The SDGs were adopted by United Nations member states in 2015, as a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet
The United Nations in South Sudan held discussions with members of civil society organizations (CSOs), youth and young parliamentarians. These discussions provided young people and CSO representatives an opportunity to provide workable recommendations to accelerate South Sudan’s achievement of Agenda 2030 and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Head of RCO and Strategic Planner, Mr. George Otoo, thanked participants at the meeting for their time and commitment. “With attendees from various organizations and youth groups, this is a symbol of commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Caption: RCO Team leader following the discussions at the youth and civil society consultations.
The SDGs were adopted by United Nations member states in 2015, “Together, the 17 interconnected goals aim to ensure that all people everywhere enjoy peace and prosperity, prioritizing those furthest behind. The SDGs enable the world to tackle major common challenges through a collective spirit and from a multilateral perspective.
“Protracted conflict and inter communal violence have affected our ability to deliver on the SDGs, all partners and stakeholders should bring all efforts together to support the achievement of peace, justice and strong institutions. This will set a good pace for the achievement of the SDGs,” said Abraham Pieng, from Shababa le Shababa youth organization.
Participants deliberated on a set of priority areas for investment and policy change that will help secure maximum progress across the SDGs, a national benchmark for reducing poverty and inequality by 2030, and an overview of planned adjustments in national planning and institutional frameworks that will better support SDG achievement.
"Access to quality education is a transformational tool. It accelerates the achievement of the other SDGs", said Mary Nartisio. A youth delegate and program lead at Animu Athiei foundation, adding that it’s a great opportunity for youth to contribute to the SDG acceleration discussion as they make up over 70 % of the population and the achievement of the SDGs guarantees them a better future.
Conclusions from these consultations will inform South Sudan’s Rescue Plan for the acceleration of SDGs.