The conclusions from the workshop will inform the formulation of the next UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for the period 2023 - 2025, which will replace the current UNCF due to end in December 2022. The new UNSDCF will be anchored to the South Sudan Revised National Development Strategy (R-NDS), and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The UNCT held a multi-stakeholder workshop on 25 November to present the findings from CCA and the independent evaluation of the 2019-2022 United Nations Cooperation Framework (UNCF). The workshop was attended by 130 key stakeholders including the Government, Development Partners, Civil Society, NGOs, Private Sector, Media, and UN Agencies, and UNMISS.
The conclusions from the workshop will inform the formulation of the next UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for the period 2023 - 2025, which will replace the current UNCF due to end in December 2022. The new UNSDCF will be anchored to the South Sudan Revised National Development Strategy (R-NDS), and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The CCA provides a snapshot of the country’s context and dynamics of development in the country to inform the programmatic. The CCA identifies current development issues and challenges and their underlying causes. The workshop enabled stakeholders to validate the key challenges and issues identified in the CCA, as well as the findings and recommendations from the 22019-2022 UNCF evaluation.
In his opening remarks Mr Meshack Malo RC/HC ai remarked:
“Findings from the independent evaluation of the UNCF and CCA, along with the emerging findings of the National Development Strategy and the 2030 agenda will inform the priorities of the next UN Sustainable Cooperation Framework for the period of January 2023 to December 2025”
“Achieving sustainable development in South Sudan is not about our individual entities, but what we can do together for the people of South Sudan. The Framework will profoundly guide our working between 2023-2025” stressed Meshack.
The next step after the CCA/UNCF evaluation workshop will be the UNCT Visioning workshop on 30 November 2021. The outcome of the workshop will be the definition of the impact level change that the UN wishes to see and is able to contribute to in South Sudan by 2030. This will be followed by the Strategic Prioritization Workshop on 7-9 December 2021, where the same participants/stakeholders of the validation workshop will be invited to deliberate and agree on broad priority areas for the 2023-2025 UNSDCF.