Glamor and delight characterized the international youth day celebrations in Juba, South Sudan. Thousands of young people, some dressed in traditional attires, school uniforms and international youth day branded T-shirts flocked Nyakuron Cultural Center to celebrate the International Youth Day.
The day is officially marked on the 12th of August globally but this year, South Sudan decided to push the formal celebration event to 24th August to allow ample time for the youth to organize and host a memorable event.
Speaking at the event, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Ms. Sara Beysolow Nyanti applauded the youth and encouraged them to work hard, seek and take advantage of the available opportunities to contribute to sustainable development and nation building.
She called upon the government and all stakeholders to empower youth and give them a chance to find their future.
“International Youth Day is about what the youth want, what they think, what they feel and what they dream about. It is important to build inclusivity around youth and their vision for the nation that they will be responsible to sustain tomorrow” stressed the DSRSG/RC/HC in her remarks to commemorate the international day of the youth 2022.
Commenting on the theme “Intergenerational Solidarity: Building A South Sudan for All ages”, the DSRSG noted that efforts need to be geared towards exploring ways of preserving culture and embrace the future urging that it is not adequate to talk about the challenges that the youth face without empowering them to find solutions and innovations to transform the challenges into solutions and opportunities for a sustained future.
The Minister of youth and Sports Dr. Albino Bol Dhieu advised the youth to work together with the elderly to enable continuity and exchange of innovative ideas. “no one should be left behind, youth and the elderly should work together and support each other, that’s what intergenerational solidarity is all about” Stated the minister. Adding that when the young and old work together, the intergeneration gap will be bridged, and continuity and sustainability will be achieved.
The celebration event held at Nyakuron cultural center in Juba, also saw young men and women exhibit work from creative innovations including youth led performances and presentations on the current state of youth in South Sudan. The event was attended by youth from different walks of life, representatives of UN agencies, funds and programs, government representatives and representatives of the International Community in South Sudan.