Hon. Minister of Presidential Affairs,
Hon. Minister of Cabinet Affairs,
Hon. Minister of Finance and Planning
All Government Ministers Present
All Government Technical Representatives Present
Development Partners
Representatives of CSOs, Women and Youth
The UN Country Team
All participants
Distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen.
I am pleased to attend the launch of the inaugural Voluntary National Review (VNR) process to assess South Sudan's progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs represent a blueprint for transformative change, offering a roadmap towards a world free from poverty, inequality, and injustice. The VNR process facilitates identification of areas for improvement and sheds light on the challenges that lie ahead for the nation.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to acknowledge the leadership and commitment demonstrated by the Government of South Sudan, particularly the Ministry of Finance and Planning, through spearheading the VNR and organizing this event. This is a demonstration of your dedication to the SDGs (the Under Secretary reminded us of their importance and why this is important) and underscores the Government’s commitment to building a prosperous and inclusive future for all South Sudanese.
South Sudan faces numerous challenges on its path to sustainable development. The current humanitarian crisis affecting nine million people and exacerbated by the current economic crises demonstrates that the road ahead will not be easy. However, within every challenge lies an opportunity. South Sudanese have demonstrated resilience time and time again, overcoming conflict, most recently through the R-ARCSS, currently being implemented. There is also gradual progress on issues of women in governance and decision making, for example through the appointment of a female vice president and a female Governor, and five female Ministers in the Transitional Government.
In this regard, I would like to reaffirm the unwavering support of the United Nations in assisting South Sudan in its VNR process. Together with our partners, we commit to provide technical expertise, to strengthen capacity, and mobilize resources. I thank UNDP for their generous support the VNR process. This will contribute not only to a successful VNR, but also towards the implementation of the SDGs, and improving the lives of the people of South Sudan.
Therefore, and in conclusion, I urge all stakeholders to actively engage in this VNR process and redouble their commitment to the SDGs. Because ultimately, we believe in South Sudan’s vision of a peaceful and stable nation where no one least of all, is most vulnerable, is left behind.
Thank you.