Press Release

South Sudan launches discussions of the First Voluntary National Review of the SDGs

28 March 2024

The VNR launch provided a forum for stakeholders to share ideas in support of the preparation of South Sudan's first VNR report.  

The government of South Sudan in partnership with the United Nations Country Team, today launched discussions on the 2024 Voluntary National Review (VNR) on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning, Agok Makur Kur highlighted that South Sudan's first VNR will focus on SDG2: Zero Hunger, SDG3: Good Health and wellbeing, SDG4: Quality Education, SDG 13 Climate Action and SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. He underscored the need for the country to diversify the economy and tap into other resources in addition to the exportation of crude oil to accelerate efforts to enhance the achievement of the SDGs.

He also called on all partners and stakeholders to support the realization of peace in the country. "Peace will enable our people to return home and participate in national development through agriculture, facilitating the achievement of SDG 1 and 2" said Hon. Agok Makur Kur. 

Speaking at the launch event, the Deputy Representative of the Secretary General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator (DSRSG/RC/HC) Anita Kiki Gbeho, emphasized that the SDGs represent a blueprint for transformative change, offering a roadmap towards a world free from poverty, inequality, and injustice. 

"As the UN supports South Sudan to embark on its Voluntary National Review process, we recognize the significance of assessing our collective efforts towards achieving the SDGs and identifying areas for improvement. This review will not only showcase achievements but also shed light on the challenges that lie ahead" the DSRSG/RC/HC said, reaffirming UN in South Sudan's commitment to working with the government of South Sudan to expedite the SDGs implementation.

The main objective of the workshop was to join efforts, share ideas in support of the preparation of the first VNR. This launch is the first part of a series of discussions that will inform the VNR report for South Sudan.

"The journey towards sustainable development requires a vision and clear strategic direction. As we stand at this critical juncture in our nation's history, it is imperative that we chart a course forward that not only addresses the immediate needs of our people but also ensures the long-term prosperity and wellbeing of future generations." said the Minister of Peace Building Hon. Stephen Par Kuol.

The launch brought together high -level representatives of the government of South Sudan, civil society organization, stakeholders, policy makers and development experts and UN partners to initiate a dialogue on the progress made towards the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development in South Sudan. The result of the review will be presented at the High -Level Political Forum (HLPF) under the auspices of the UN Sustainable Development Economic and Social Council (ESCOC)

UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative