UNCT Newsletter September Edition
30 September 2020

Key highlights in this Edition include:
- The United Nations working in partnership with the people of South Sudan to shape peace together
- Achieving peace through food security
- Poem on peace
- Peace,Justice and Economic management critical to advancing development
- Mediation process to end Jonglei conflict begins at peace conference hosted by UNMISS
- Reshaping cultural policies in South Sudan
- Youth helping youth during the pandemic
- SouthSudan launches the National strategic plan on viral hepatitis treatment and care guidelines
- On the path to long lasting peace for South Sudan
- UNESCO facilitates media online training on Early and Unintended pregnancy
- UNMAS removes anti-tank mines to protect community members in Mangala
- Nyapuka defeats hunger and now grows her own food in a remote village in unity state
- Some things are not fit for children:Marriage is one of them
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